Are you ready for this?

Posted by Chelsea on Sunday May 2, 2010 Under Toddler

It’s pictures galore people!


Lucy LOVES her Legos.  She used to only be able to take them apart and then about 6 weeks ago she started stacking them about 3 high and then about 3 weeks ago she started making TALL towers and then last week she started making THINGS with her Legos.  We got a car and a sort of building thing last week!  INSANE.  Here she is making a tall tower.

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Last weekend, I was BBQ-ing some chicken for lunch and Lu decided the plants needed watering.  She made her Daddy proud.


Lucy is a great eater.  She LOVES food and can throw it down.  This week she got a little TOO excited by her rice and got it everywhere.  I feel like overnight she turned into this kid:


We had her Spring Gala this week and she did a bit better than the Winter Gala where she ended up crying in her teacher’s lap.  We didn’t get the best seats but we still got pictures and video.

Here’s Lu walking in.


Noticing all the scary people.


Still noticing.


Then she see’s Mama! (I stood up) She smiles!


Daddy took video of the first time they sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider but didn’t keep it rolling for the second time when we got a smile.



Afterward the performance Lu and Daddy planted some seeds:


And then we went to the park:


And then, dinner:


Today we rode the train up to San Francisco and went to a baseball game.  It was a beautiful day for a game!




Check out our views!




Lu LOVED it and despite missing her nap, did FABULOUSLY.  She even started cheering with everyone by the end.  Too bad the Giants lost.

Watching the game:

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Best seat in the house!


Tonight I finished up our craft project that we started yesterday.  It’s Teacher Appreciation week and we made Lu’s teachers some cards.

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As for new developments, Lu’s character is developing more and more.  She’s one funny girl and loves to giggle.  Her vocabulary is just taking off and she can say “Hi” and “Bye Bye” on the phone now.  Some of the words that come out, Shaun and I just look at each other like, “WOAH”.  She LOVES beets and while chowing down on them last week, she kept saying “Moe Beets Pees!”  “Moe Beets Pees!”  My other favorite?  When Daddy is gone she points at the picture of him with his bike (Yes we have one) and says “Dada. Go. Bike.”

Smartie pants!

One Response to “Are you ready for this?”

  1. Kath Says:

    Haha – is that Shawn singing!?