Monterey Bay Aquarium + 18 Month Stats!

Posted by Chelsea on Monday Mar 29, 2010 Under Toddler

Wow was this weekend ever busy!  We had a blast though.

Saturday was pretty warm and we discovered that Lucy needs some clothes for warmer weather.  I put her in a dress that her Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ricky got her.  How cute is she?!?!?!


Shaun’s comment was that she just melt his heart everyday 🙂

Yesterday we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  It was pretty cool.  It wasn’t as big as I was expecting but we still had fun.

Some cool pictures:

Jelly Fish!






These aren’t plants-they’re sea horses!


No, really!


Feed time!


Hello shark!



Lu just kicking back:


Cute Lu pics!






She went around yelling “FISHIE!!!!” It was very cute.

Daddy and a very tired Lu:


Here’s Lu this morning playing with a new toy I got her.  It’s magnets and it sings the ABC’s.  When you put the letters into the big thing you see there it says “B goes buh, B goes buh. Every letter has a sound, B goes buh”.  She played with it in the cart yesterday at Target and listened to the ABC’s about 100 times.


This morning I woke up to Lucy singing “A B C D” hum hum “G” hum hum hum hum “L M N O P” hum hum hum “T” hum hum hum hum hum “Z!”  I about crapped my pants. Seriously.  The letters that she did remember were said in the correct place!  That was INSANE!  I have a kid-she’s no longer a baby!


Her 18 month appointment was this morning and here are her stats:

Height=30 3/4”-25th percentile
Weight=19 pounds 8 ounce-Less than 5th percentile
Head=19.25”-95th percentile

She’s trending exactly where she was at 15 months. She’s a peanut but she’s a just right peanut. She’s still pretty advanced in terms of language and talking and HOPEFULLY the tantrums will start to subside as she can communicate more.  All in all, it was a great visit.  She only had 1 shot and she cried briefly and then was okay. She was VERY proud of her sticker that she got.

In short, she’s awesome 🙂

7 Responses to “Monterey Bay Aquarium + 18 Month Stats!”

  1. Ashley Says:

    OMG how cute is that! I love the pics. ALL Lu pics are adorable 😉
    Betsy has that same magnet set but all she does is put them in and take them out and sing in her babble speak and dance. I can’t believe Lucy knows so many letters. What a smart girl!

  2. PaPa & MiMi Says:

    Cute, cute, cute! Do you realize that the face she is making in the fourth pic under “Cute Lu pics” is pure Chelsea? In other pictures I’m starting to see alot of Shaun but that one is all Chelsea-Bug! 🙂

  3. Aunt Marci Says:

    Rhodes Scholar…I’m telling you!

  4. Aunt Cindy Says:

    Smart girl! I do believe it’s a Lingo family trait! 🙂

  5. Abby Says:

    Oooh, I have a beagle too! Mine is named Charlie Brown Bagel! I had a relaly hard time with a name, but my brother threatened to name him Javier when I left him there to be babysat if I didn’t hurry up and name him, so I just did it and when I came back he was already responding to CHarlie, so that’s what we’ve got! He wasn’t a puppy when I got him though, he was probably around 2- 2.5 years old. I found him running in traffic, around 14 pounds, full sized with a severe flea infestation. I tried for about 6 weeks to locate his owners but without tags or a microchip, and no responses to the 40+ notices I posted online and in the shelters that was difficult. No one ever claimed him and I fell in love with him. So he’s mine now! I love him SO much!

  6. Heaven Says:

    I had no idea how to approach this beenof-orw I’m locked and loaded.

  7. Says:

    Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.