First Ultrasound Pic
Posted by Chelsea on Friday Apr 25, 2008 Under PregnancyOn Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Chelsea Titus
Please see my amazing husband’s email below. Yesterday was so exciting. The baby was moving around like crazy and looked like a BABY! It was so incredibly cool. We get to hear the heartbeat in 2 weeks.
From: Shaun Titus []
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 10:30 AM
To: Titus, Jerel; Rick Titus; Larry Titus Jr.;; Chelsea Titus;;
Subject: Bean Titus
Hi Guys,
Our doctor decided to do an ultrasound at our first appointment and we found out some very exciting details. We are not having twins (whew), Chelsea is due on 10/12 which is Columbus day, and most exciting is that we got to see our baby (which we currently call Bean because it’s been supplying Chelsea with an endless supply of gas – she puts her family to shame in burping contests right now).
I scanned an image and attached it to this email. The doctor said we were very lucky because the initial ultrasound normally isn’t so clean and well defined. It was actually a little eerie because the baby was moving around and you could really see it’s arm and leg sprouts pretty well at one point.
On a less important, but still very exciting note, we bought a new Honda Element EX last night! Our old Jeep was in need of very expensive repairs and at 207k miles it wasn’t worth dumping thousands of dollars into. Plus we wanted the new safety features now that we are going to have a little one. I attached a picture of the car too so that you can see it.
Good Times!