New Traditions
Posted by Chelsea on Sunday Dec 5, 2010 Under InfancyThis weekend we started a new tradition-going out and finding our Christmas tree in the forest. My sister and brother-in-law have done this for years and I knew that when we moved here that I wanted to get in on the tradition.
We drove up to McCall on Friday (it’s about a 2 hour drive) and then woke up on Saturday to go find our tree! We bought our permit, rented our snow shoes, and set out to find the perfect tree.
It didn’t start off so well…
But it quickly turned around:
We hiked down hills with saws:
Staked out the perfect trees:
Got one! (We were on the lookout for four):
Got two! (Look at that stud):
Got three!
We still hadn’t found OUR perfect tree. We went on the hunt and saw one on our way back, WAY down the hill. Shaun got on the sled to get down to it and proclaimed that it was THE PERFECT tree. He cut it down and got it back up the hill (with the help of my brother-in-law).
We were a happy family:
It’s the tree standing up behind us. We stuck it in the snow and we’re below it. It was still 10 feet and when we got it home we had to trim it down a bit.
Here she is on top of the car:
And outside our house:
That’s one beautiful tree! Pretty trees that are under 12 feet are hard to find out in the forest. They are few and far between. We totally lucked out.
When we got home, we put the tree in the house (you should smell it in here!) and decorated with Christmas music going. Lu LOVED it. It was the first year that she’s really understood Christmas and got into it. We had such a nice night.
Shaun just came upstairs and proclaimed, “I love our tree. This is the best Christmas yet!”
I think I need some more ornaments since I’ve never had a big tree before. My old tree topper also won’t work because it’s too skinny to fit on top of the tree. Expect to see some improvements .
I agree with Shaun though, this IS the best Christmas yet!
December 6th, 2010 at 10:31 am
Question: How do you keep Lu from taking the ornaments off the tree? We put felt ones up last year and got cheap plastic balls from Ikea thinking that if they got knocked off they wouldn’t break…and Ev managed to shatter one anyway. Now that he’s 2 I’m more nervous about what he will do to the tree. 😀
December 6th, 2010 at 11:44 am
Audrey-if you notice, there are only breakable ornaments halfway up the tree! The bottom of the tree are metal and paper ornaments and that’s it. It’s looks pretty funny but anyone who comes into my house should figure it out quickly 😉
September 26th, 2015 at 8:16 am
Sometimes the similarities bteeewn us spook me, in a good way. I was looking through an old Martha magazine and saw brown kraft paper used to wrap gifts all year round. I have always been known for wrapping gifts among my family and friends. So after passing some kraft paper while at Michaels a few weeks ago I thought I should start this tradition of wrapping soon. To see this post seems like another sign. I will have to wait until my next 50% off one item coupon to grab me a roll.Take care,Lisa