Lucy’s Blog » 2013 » September

Happy 5th Birthday Lucy!!!

Posted by Chelsea on Sunday Sep 22, 2013 Under school aged


What a year! You have grown, in incredible ways, in every facet of your life this year.

September 2012:

You got your new piano!

You turned 4!

You got your first pedicure Smile

You got your first pair of cowboy boots and decided to chop your hair off:

October 2012:

You started ballet.

You got your Blending Badge!

We took family pictures:

You were a pumpkin for Halloween!

November 2012:

You practiced your name (and drew a skeleton):

You took a really unfortunate school picture:

And then a MUCH better one!

December 2012:

We picked out our Christmas Tree. You actually had a blast this year, you were just cold by the time we got a picture!

You got your very first Bogus Season Pass!

You got some serious ski gear for Christmas. You learned how to REALLY ski! We started going down blues this year!

January 2013:

You had your very first piano recital.


You and Daddy built a rocket!

You did a Flower Girl Fashion Tour Smile


We learned that you were NOT allergic to wheat and you got to spend the day in the hospital when they put a camera down into your stomach.

April 2013:

You drew this amazing picture of Daddy.  He’s eating a burger. Smile

You had a sushi date with Mommy:

We went to see Swan Lake.

May 2013:

You drew some amazing cows!

You started reading non-Challenger books!

You rode the mower with Daddy.

You learned to ride a two-wheel bike!

You and Tessa discovered getting your faces painted at the Farmer’s Market!

You had your second piano recital.

You had your first dance recital.

June 2013:

You grew-A LOT!

You got your first Library Card!

You caught your first fish.

You love your whole family and wish your cat didn’t die.

July 2013:

You played at home with Mommy.

You had your first lemonade stand and bought ice cream with the profits.

You cuddled with Daddy in McCall.

Your style!

Aunt Marci made you this one Smile

You giggled A LOT with Aunt Marci.

You went on a farm tour.

You learned how to swim UNDER WATER this month and you learned how to ride your BIG two-wheeler bike!!!

We went to San Diego to visit Mommy’s side of the family.

August 2013:

You got new fast shoes for kindergarten.

You hung out with Miss Amelia!

We did a Tour de Fat.

You started kindergarten!!!!

With Mrs. Joelson and Mrs. Matheson.

You discovered your LOVE of homework.


Your handwriting blows Mommy out of the water.

We went camping in Silver City, ID.

You wrote your own spotlight paper with very little help from Mommy.

You turned 5!!!


Happy birthday big girl.  You continue to amaze me and Daddy every day.  We are so thankful that you were brought into our life.  You make us be better people, you challenge us, you open our eyes to new things, you make our family complete. We love you.

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