Lucy’s Blog » 2010 » November

Pictures from Mexico!

Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Nov 30, 2010 Under Toddler


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Let it Snow!!!

Posted by Chelsea on Saturday Nov 27, 2010 Under Toddler

It has been COLD and snowy here in Boise.  The coldest I’ve seen is 1* on our outdoor thermometer and we’ve had snow on the ground since Monday. We woke up today to more snow!  There was a Christmas parade and the Farmer’s Market in Downtown Boise this morning so we bundled up and went!  Call us crazy Smile

Lu in the car, ready to go!


Don’t the girls look happy?


Wouldn’t you be ecstatic if your Mom dragged you out to watch a line of Minis?


No? How about a snowman! On a Harley!


Really?  Are you having fun yet? Maybe not:

(I think my dear daughter is thinking “EFF YOU MOM.  This SUCKS!”)

The marching band that made both my sister and I start crying-they always do-WTF is up with that?!?!?!


Dancers…sort of dancing…


Isn’t this fun? Well at least there are candy canes!

(“Really Mom?  Really?  Even this candy cane can’t make me smile.”)

Cool old car:


These people said “EFF IT!” and put up there hard top.  How awesome is this car?!?



This float was so sad.  The characters were all falling over because of the snow Sad smile


Horse-in a a blizzard! (not really)


We ended up going to a Vietnamese place for Pho and watching the rest of the parade from the window.  We saw Santa, sorta…The girls said they had fun or something like that…

  While we were doing that.  Daddy was out mountain biking.  No really!




He had a blast!  So did we-no really we did! Winking smile

I’m loving the seasons here.  We’ll see if I say that in January or February or March….

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What a Fun Age

Posted by Chelsea on Sunday Nov 14, 2010 Under Toddler

On our way to Cabo, Shaun captured this gem:

We joked that this is them at 90 and they were on their way to the slots. Ha!

Wednesday was Shaun’s birthday (Happy Birthday Daddy!) and he wanted to go to a kid friendly place to eat so that Lu could come with us.  We went to Chili’s and on the way there all we could hear about from Lu was “cheese pissa!”

While trying to get that on camera, she surprised us with this:

Later that night she managed to ruin her brand new pink shirt, in the best way possible.


Even when she does something she isn’t supposed to it’s cute.


On Thursday Lucy didn’t take a nap at daycare.  On Friday, she was at Lissa’s house with our sitter in the morning.  I went to pick her up for naptime and the sitter said that she was REALLY tired (not surprising).  I brought her home and she DID NOT want to nap.  I rocked her for 10 minutes and she was still wide awake.  I put her to bed and she babbled for 40 minutes.  I went into her room and told her it was time to go to sleep (in my sternest voice) and rubbed her back. That seemed to help but as soon as I left the room she started babbling again.  Finally at 3 (I put her down at 1:30) there was silence and I thought, “Success!” 

I was working away when about 25 minutes later I hear light knocking.  I ignored it thinking it was just my house making noises.  About 2 minutes later I hear more knocking.  I get up to go answer the front door and as I pass by Lu’s room I hear the knocking coming from HER room.  I open the door and there stands my 2 year old on her stepstool in front of the door.  Apparently she had been trying to get the door open.  That silence?  Well that was her getting out of bed (which she has never done before without either Shaun or me in the room), taking her stepstool and using it to get her blankets and books off of her shelves and then to try and open the door. Oh yes, and to get into the Vaseline.

I didn’t notice at first that she was covered in clear goo.  I brought her upstairs to Shaun (who was home sick) and asked him to watch her for a little bit longer so that I could finish up work.  I came back upstairs and notice that she’s VERY shiny.  I asked, “what’s on her?” and Shaun said, “I think it’s spit.”  I go to wipe it off and know IMMEDIATELY that she had gotten into the Vaseline.  The picture above is after I tried to get it out.  Lovely, huh?  And she’s so dang proud of herself too!  Luckily she only got it in one place in her room (on her rocker) and after a good bath her hair is mostly back to normal, albeit a little greasy.

This weekend, Lucy has decided that big girl undies are way cooler than diapers.  One problem-she’s only ever gone potty once at home (2 weeks ago she poo’d-it was a big deal).  She tries and tries but nothing comes out.  Yesterday she wore undies all day (except for nap) and had one accident that really only got her undies damp.  Today, she insisted on the undies and sat on the potty numerous times with no success.  She wanted to go again and I was doing the dishes.  I was just getting my hands dried when she had a “BIG PEE” and then she got really upset and has been in diapers ever since.  I told her that that was what pee felt like and the next time she feels that way, she can always sit on her little potty (she likes sitting on the big potty).  I told her that she’s learning and that it’s okay.  I hope my little perfectionist isn’t beating herself up too much over the “BIG PEE” Sad smile. We’re not pushing it and figure that when she’s ready she’ll let us know.  Truthfully, diapers are very convenient.  That being said, I’m not going to discourage any potty training!

Today she has been a bit of a grump.  She looked at me and said, “Mama, Soosie cutting a tooth." Wha?!?! I don’t think I’ve ever said "cutting a tooth". I confirmed that that is what she said and she nodded her head and pointed to where her 2 year old molars are coming in. Seriously?!?!

And, yesterday she told me, “Mama, behave!”

It’s a good reminder Winking smile


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Posted by Chelsea on Wednesday Nov 10, 2010 Under Toddler

My brother got married this weekend in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  I always hesitate to post when I’m going to be out of town because I worry that someone will break into my house or cyber hack me.  Is that weird?

We had a really great time.  Such a great time that I forgot to really take pictures.  I guess I was too busy enjoying myself Smile  I didn’t even get pictures of Lucy and Tessa as flower girls-oops!  There are plenty of those from other people though and I’ll just have to wait until they are posted to share them with you.

My Mom and Dad, Aunt and Uncle, my sister and her family, and my family all shared a villa.  It was gorgeous and so much fun to just hang out with everyone.

Tessa enjoying breakfast:


The guys went fishing on Friday and caught a TON of tuna.  Here’s about 1/100th of it:


That is by far the freshest sashimi I have ever had!

These next few are blurry but oh so cute.  My Mom got the girls crowns for the rehearsal dinner.  They loved them!


Lucy helping Mimi decorate for the rehearsal dinner that we hosted at our villa:



The awesome Marichis that my brother hired-SO FUN!


Single for one more night!


I love this picture of them:


There was lots of diaper time!




No really.


Did you know that they only make Cheetos, Fritos, and sugary cereals in Mexico?  No?  That’s what the girls think.


There was beach time. We went twice but I only got one picture?!?!


And, the only picture I took at the wedding?


That’s the father-of-the-bride’s dessert plate.

Perhaps it was all the killer Aunt Marci margaritas?

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Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Nov 2, 2010 Under Toddler

Wow! What a weekend! Lu got to wear her costume at least 5 times this weekend.  She loved it!  We’ve washed it and I’m sure it’ll be making an appearance again!

The first event? Playgroup where they practiced with their costumes, “bobbed for apples” (scooped crab apples) and “trick or treated” (they knocked on doors and Moms would open them and give them a block in their bucket-it was cute!

“Bobbing for apples”:



Lucy (the Giraffe) and Tessa (the Zebra) on their way to The Y Party:


There were too many people there for Lu’s taste but Tessa LOVED it:


On Saturday we went to the Boise Philharmonic Philharmonsters, first there was activities-an instrument petting zoo where Lu tried to play a violin but REALLY liked the xylophone.  Lu wanted her face painted but couldn’t get the nerve up to let the lady do it.  Mommy, Auntie Lala, and Tessa all got hearts but Lu wasn’t so sure.  After the activities, the different sections of the Philharmonic (strings, wind, horns) played spooky music. We were running into lunch and naptime and the girls lasted about 30 minutes.  It was really neat.  Here we are before going in:

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Shaun got an ear infection this weekend and while he slept it off and after Lu’s nap, I went grocery shopping and Lucy hung out with Auntie Lala and Tessa.  Auntie Lala figured out how to get Lucy to wear her giraffe hood-wings!

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It’s a fairy giraffe!

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On Halloween, we took the girls in the wagon down to Harrison Street. 


On our way there we saw a beautiful double rainbow. What does it mean?!?!


Harrison Street is CRAZY on Halloween.  We just went to check it out and visit our friends that live there. They stop when they hit 1,000 trick or treaters!!! This was at 5:15-I can’t imagine it at 7 or 8!


Look at these pumpkins!



Trick or Treating was a success!


Next up? Unkie Jake and Aunt Amy’s wedding!

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