Lucy’s Blog » 2009 » April

Our Big Girl

Posted by Chelsea on Thursday Apr 30, 2009 Under Infancy

Life, as always, is crazy!

Last week I went to Mommy’s group and Lucy’s friend AJ had all sorts of fun toys.  Lucy really liked his activity table.  Sorry for the blurriness-I took them with my iPhone.

Isn’t she a BIG GIRL?





She IS one champion stander!

It was so crazy to see all these kids together.  When Lucy and I started going to “play dates” the babies would sleep or just lay there and the Moms would talk about how tired they were.  Now the babies are EVERYWHERE.  Two of them are crawling, many of them can roll to where they want to be and they are all playing with toys and vocalizing.  It was a madhouse!  But still really fun!  It’s great to see the babies interacting with one another.

Mommy (that’s me!) got pretty sick last week and I was amazed that Lucy didn’t catch it.  Well I was amazed too soon.  Our little munchkin got really sick this weekend.  She had a temperature, a cough, wheezing, and mucus galore (ewww!).  Both Shaun and I got the experience (multiple times) of being puked on.  It was a hard 4 days.  Lucy also was quite listless and slept A LOT.  Here she is sleeping like she used to on Daddy:


On Sunday she slept from 1PM-7PM, only waking up to eat every few hours.  7:30 is normally her bedtime but Munchkin was wide awake and showing more alertness than she had all day.  We let her stay up with us and she got to see what happens after she goes to bed-Daddy plays XBOX!

Daddy, how does this work?


I want one!!!


I got one!!!


Shaun saved an old broken controller, knowing that one day she’d want one just like Daddy.  He thought that day would come in a few years, but nope!  Lucy got her very own controller at 7 months.  I told Lucy to kick Daddy’s booty and Daddy informed me that they were on the same team and were killing the bad guys together.

Lucy was really sick until Tuesday afternoon when she started to feel a little better.  She was much better Tuesday morning but not nearly healthy enough.  I actually tried to drop her off at daycare on Tuesday and when I saw her next to healthy kids I figured out that she was better but being better from horrible doesn’t make you healthy.  It took me forever to leave daycare and when I did I burst into tears as soon as I got in the car.  I called Shaun and we figured out a way for me to work from home  for a second day. He was able to come home for an extended lunch so I could be on a call Lucy-less.  I got off the freeway and went back to pick my sick girl up. They were shocked to see my at daycare but I know that I did the right thing.

Here’s our smiley girl this morning:


You can almost, but not quite, see her teeth in this picture.  I’ve been trying to get them but they’re hard to catch!


She’s started to get around on her back. She arches her back and bounces up and down to get places.  She can cover a good foot in about 30 seconds.  We know that crawling is just around the corner!

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Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Apr 21, 2009 Under Infancy

I know we made you wait but it’s worth it!  Our friend Jen Kung took AMAZING pictures of our camping trip.  Wow!  We went to Butano and it was COLD but Lucy did great and we had fun.

The Titii Forever Tent-We’ll have this FOREVER!

The caterpillar who loved the blue lantern cover:

Amazing Redwood Trees:

Shaun clowning around in the bottom of a Redwood:

Ann and Lucy:

Lucy Looking all gangsta!


Daddy and Lucy:

Lucy hated the gloves.  She’s addicted to her thumb.  Ahhh…her fix:


Lucy and Daddy in the tent:


The infamous Lingo Potatoes cooking over the fire.  Parish had to take over while I fed Lucy:

Lucy loves her prunes:

Going for a 4 hour hike-Lucy did great!

One of our first Banana Slugs-We saw 120 or more-we counted!

Hiking in the trees:

Turkey Tails:

A Newt-How Cute!

Lucy liked it!

The view from Lucy’s changing pad:

Flying with Daddy:


The view:

The 116th Banana Slug-GO BANANA SLUG!

We were there on Easter-Happy Easter:

Lucy dressed appropriately:

Amazing Tree:

Happy Easter!

I love this picture of us!

Josh cooking our last breakfast:

Parish and Josh cooking our last breakfast-Waffles, French Toast and Berries-Oh MY!

Smoke in the Trees:

The last day, we had to get a picture of our tent-it really is amazing-it’s like 7 feet tall!


The whole crew (Jen (amazing photog skills!), Ann, Josh, Parish, Shaun, Lucy, Me

Our first blue skies-When we left!

Hanging out at the beach before heading home:

Flying with Daddy:


View of the coast:

Amazing Sky!

What a trip!  I can’t wait to go again in June!

This weekend we went to Monterey to the Sea Otter Classic. One of the biggest Mountain Bike Races on the West Coast.  It was awesome.  Shaun got to demo a $6000 Cannondale Rize 1-He was in heaven!  You can’t tell but he’s doing a track stand in this picture-he’s not moving-check out his mad skillz!


The weather was so amazing that we stayed another night.  Lucy fell asleep in our bed for a nap and Shaun thought she looked like a little person (well SHE IS!)



And finally, with all this hot weather (it was over 90 today) Lucy got to wear a cute outfit that Mimi got her today.  Look how cute!


She’s sitting up by herself easily now!  She can do it for 15-20 minute stretches. She also got weighed today and she’s gained over a pound in less than 1 month-She’s 14 pounds 3 ounces now.  Go Lucy Go!


See?  The wait was worth it!

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Two BIG Milestones in One Hour

Posted by Chelsea on Sunday Apr 12, 2009 Under Infancy

This was supposed to be a post about our first successful camping trip however 2 very big milestones just happened that I had to blog about. Don’t worry the camping trip will be blogged about-we are just waiting for the pictures from our friends.

Lucy has been teething this past week and we had some really bad nights but while camping Lucy did great. I wasn’t able to check her mouth all weekend because when you’re camping, your hands are never clean. After my shower today (ahhh…what a nice shower) I checked Lucy gums and there was nothing. I thought to myself, “I wonder if I’ll know when a tooth actually comes?”

This afternoon Shaun suggested taking a walk down to get some yogurt. While walking she was chewing furiously on Shaun’s finger. I looked again, and nothing.

We got home and had Lucy on her tummy. She was very happy, inching along on her tummy (yes she’s sort of moving while on her tummy-veeeery slowly). Suddenly Lucy started screaming. I thought she was just frustrated being on her tummy. She can flip over but wasn’t and kept getting more and more upset. I flipped her over and her crying just got worse. I picked her up (which is a sure fire way to get her to stop crying), the crying got even worse. I looked in her mouth and saw a blood spot and a sliver of white. I felt and there it was-her first tooth! She cut her first tooth on the right front! I was sure it was going to be on the left-that’s where she’s been chewing, but NO-right front.

I was amazed that I could pinpoint when the tooth actually came in-around 6:20 PM on April 12th! Very cool.

About 20 minutes later, we had a happy Lucy again. I started feeding her avocado and oatmeal. She was eating it voraciously when a pain wave hit again. I got her out of her seat and soothed her. After she calmed down she pointed at her sippy cup. I gave it to her and got a big smile. For those of you who don’t have kids or don’t remember-this is HUGE. Lucy can show us what she wants now. Shaun saw it and said “Did she just point at her sippy cup?” We thought maybe it was a fluke, but then she did it again in the bathtub. She wanted her ducky and she let me know by pointing at it. WOW.

The munchkin cut a tooth and started pointing at what she wants all within an hour!

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MiMi’s Visit

Posted by Chelsea on Wednesday Apr 8, 2009 Under Infancy

This past weekend my Mom, Lucy’s MiMi came to visit. We had a really great time. Here’s some pictures:

Lucy shows MiMi how she can sit up:


How she’s a champ at tummy time:


And how she can use a sippy cup:


MiMi got Lucy some bunny ears and Lucy really loved them:


No Really:


Lucy thought MiMi was pretty fun!:



We celebrated Easter a week early:



And then we had a photo shoot!








And 2 pictures from 2 weekends ago just because they’re cute!



I went to Virginia on a business trip last week and I feel like life has been crazy ever since. I was gone for 1 full night but Lucy and Daddy did bedtime 2 nights in a row with no Mommy. It was difficult! Our crazy life continues with us going camping-yes camping-this weekend. We’re hoping for good weather!!!

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