Lucy’s Blog » Infancy

Happy Valentines Day!

Posted by Chelsea on Saturday Feb 14, 2009 Under Infancy


But really she was more interested in her pants. They were so bright and fun!


Shaun and I got to go on our first date since Lucy was born last night. Our friend Amanda came over and watched Lucy’s bedtime routine (in case she ever has to do it) and then after we got her to bed, Shaun and I went out to dinner. Here we are leaving:


It’s the first time we’ve been alone since September 21st! We had a really good time and Lucy never knew we were gone.

Lucy has really grown up in the last week. She no longer needs to be swaddled to go to sleep. She’s been sleeping from 7:30 PM through 6-6:30 AM without waking up. She can now soothe herself to sleep (by sucking her thumb). She loves tummy time now (she used to hate it) and even got her knees up under her a few times this week. Today she was laying on her back and she very deliberately rolled to her side and then couldn’t figure out how to get her arm out of the way. Both Shaun and I helped her a few times and then once she was on her tummy, she rolled back to her back. She’s figuring out how to move around! I don’t know if I should be excited or scared…I think I’m a little bit of both. She’s also quite good at standing now-she only needs Shaun or me to help her balance. And, she’s starting to sit on her own…only for about 10-20 seconds-but it’s a start!

Today, she also got her high chair. Check out our big girl!


We’re really not going to start solids until 6 months but her Doctor recommended that we start giving her a little bit of rice cereal everyday starting at 5 months to get her used to a spoon. Since Lucy has such an aversion to foreign objects in her mouth (she won’t even put teethers in her mouth-they make her gag) we’re going to go ahead and try the rice cereal. She turns 5 months next weekend, so stay tuned for first feeding pictures next week!

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Happy Birthday Papa!!!

Posted by Lucy on Sunday Feb 8, 2009 Under Infancy

I love you!!!!




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Being a Working Mom

Posted by Chelsea on Saturday Feb 7, 2009 Under Infancy

I got many emails from friends giving me moral support as I started work full time this week. They were much appreciated! I wanted to capture something I wrote to Kim as I think it sums up my feelings nicely:

…This week has been going better than expected. I decided that since I have to work (there’s no option for me not to) that I should just be okay with this. If I’m miserable, all it does is make me miserable because there’s nothing I can do about it. Lucy is adjusting very well to daycare-we’ve had some kinks to work out with bottles and such but I am really happy with her daycare. They are very loving with her and she gets a lot of really good playtime. They actually have an “Activity Plan” for the day where I know she’s doing certain things. She’s smiley and happy when I drop her off and when we pick her up and smiley at home. I figure she wouldn’t be so happy if they were horrible to her, ya know? They also take all my calls with a smile and let me know how she’s doing. I call once a day to check in on her. Work has also been pretty great. Everybody here is so supportive and I work with really nice people. You can’t ask for anything more-especially when you see so many people getting laid off!

I won’t lie, I do miss her and the fact that they get the majority of her “good” (awake) hours does suck but it’s not the end of the world. I’m working really hard on making our time together really quality. In the morning I play with her and then when I get ready I sit her in her bouncy chair and talk with her and make her laugh (she makes me laugh too 😉 ). At night, we don’t eat dinner until she goes to bed so that we can play with her, give her her bath, read to her and put her to bed. No tv, no computer, no video games, no Mommy in the kitchen cooking. It’s just Mommy, Daddy, and Lucy time…

Today was our first weekend day after a full week of work-it was great to spend so much time with Lucy. She’s feeling a bit under the weather with a cough-which she got from the Doctor’s office NOT from daycare-although I’m sure daycare didn’t help matters. At daycare, she’s learned to really like tummy time-I don’t know how they did it but she likes it now. She can also put her self to sleep, which she showed us today:


Here she is with Miss Azar after her first day of daycare-she was really tired and you can tell in this picture:


Miss Azar and Miss Maria LOVE Lucy and that’s so nice to see. They are really great people.

Here is Daddy and Lucy hanging out one night after “school”:


The family last weekend-this picture is up on the wall at “school” so that Lucy can see us anytime she wants:


And lastly, our adorable little girl:


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Houston, We Have a Problem

Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 Under Infancy

Our internet at home is down and won’t be back up until Wednesday. See you then!

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Rolling Over, Pennsylvania, 4 Month Appointment

Posted by Chelsea on Monday Jan 26, 2009 Under Infancy

Wow. January has been one crazy month. Here’s a recap of the last 2 weeks:

On Wednesday, January 14th Lucy rolled from front to back about 10 times. I couldn’t get her to stay on her tummy:

Since then? Nada. Nothing. Zilch. She’s decided that rolling over isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and would rather cry on her tummy than turn over. The doctor said that this is completely normal and that is why they don’t use rolling over or crawling as a milestone because some babies just don’t like to do it, so they don’t. Yes, she already has a mind of her own!

She has decided that she likes traveling. Out to Pennsylvania we were on a plane for about 7 hours and on the way back about 8 hours. She was a perfect angel. No fussing. Just sleeping, smiling, and playing. Numerous people commented on what a cute/well behaved/happy baby we have and I’ve got to say that I agree.

Our trip to PA was fun but COLD. The morning after we arrived the thermometer said this:


No, not the top number. The bottom number-yes you read right, it was -2.4 outside. Brrrrrr.

That first night we stayed at our friend’s Kim and Kevin’s house where Lucy got to meet their daughter, Crista, who just turned 1:


Our friends Mike, Claire, and their son Max were also there. Here’s Lucy with Claire:


And Kim:


This was a trip for Lucy to meet many people and boy did she ever!:

Her cousin Tyler:


Her Aunt Kara and Uncle Jerel (with Tyler-who is Uncle Ricky and Aunt Kelly’s son-Kelly is in the background of this picture):


I think Lucy wrapped Uncle Jerel around her little finger:



The trip was really for Lucy to meet her 2 Great Grandmas.

Here she is with 93 (almost 94) year old Grandma Titus:


And 83 (almost 84) year old Grandma Gale:


They both thought she was pretty special 🙂

Lucy also met her Uncle Larry, Aunt Janet, Cousin Matt, and Cousin Stephanie. Somehow I only got a picture of her with Cousin Stephanie:


Her Cousin Matt was able to jiggle her to sleep and I thought we got a picture of it but I can’t find it anywhere.

We also got to meet Stephanie and Jenna:


I met Stephanie on Baby Center where we commiserated about our pregnancies and now our infants. Jenna was born 4 days after Lucy. They are the same height but Jenna weighs 3 pounds more.



We went to Hershey World:


Where Daddy clowned around:


We did alot of driving this trip. Lucy wanted to try, so we let her (not really!):


Lucy also found some time to just hang out:


And to see Grandma of course!


Oh and the snow!


We got back Saturday and today Lucy had her 4 month doctor’s appointment. She weighs 12.6 pounds (45th percentile) and is 24.5 inches tall (75th percentile). The doctor thinks that she’s going to keep her blue eyes and said that she is doing “just perfect”.

She goes to her first half day of daycare tomorrow 🙁 and I start work on Thursday 🙁 🙁 🙁 I can’t believe it’s been 4 months already.

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16 Weeks!

Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 Under Infancy

January is flying by! I go back to work on the 29th and I can’t believe it. I don’t know where the last 5 months went-or the last year for that matter!! The last post I talked about how we got our first giggles, well, we also got teething that day. Yes our 3 and half month old started giggling and teething on the same day. She’ll go from smiling and giggling to screaming at the drop of a hat. No teeth yet, just lots of drooling, chewing, crying, red cheeks, and little slits on her lower and upper gums. As soon as we have breakthrough, I’ll be sure to take a picture!

In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with video of our little girl laughing. I think it’s the best sound in the world:

Other Pictures:

Lucy 15 weeks:


Lucy 16 weeks:


Last weekend I was very brave and flew to Boise with Lucy to go to my sister’s baby shower. No Shaun to help! I’m so glad I went and Lucy was great on the plane. Although having Shaun sure does make a difference.

Here’s a picture of 9 month pregnant Lissa holding up the sweater I made for BB2B:


And one of my favorite pictures of Lucy and me so far. It was taken at the shower:


Next up? A 6 hour flight to Pennsylvania. We leave on Friday-wish us luck!

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Posted by Chelsea on Friday Jan 2, 2009 Under Infancy

Shaun got the first real Lucy giggle this morning while he was changing her!!! I’ve been hearing what I thought was a giggle while she’s sleeping every so often for months now but nothing while she’s awake. Lately she’s been making some giggle-like noises while smiling and she’ll have a huge smile on her face and look like she’s laughing but isn’t. That all changed today!

After he put her back in the crib to wash his hands she giggled again and I heard it from the other room clear as could be.

I think it’s the best and sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

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What a Year!!!

Posted by Chelsea on Thursday Jan 1, 2009 Under Infancy

Here’s to 2009 being as awesome as 2008!!! 2008 was by far my best year-it even surpasses 2005 when I got married and bought a house and car.

2008 was the year my biggest wish was granted and the fact that she’s better than anything I ever imagined makes it that much more sweet.

I was one of those girls who always knew she wanted to be a Mommy and since about age 18 I wanted a baby desperately. I knew intellectually that I was waaaaay too young to have a baby at 18, but emotionally and physically I wanted a baby. I would see a baby and my uterus would literally hurt. I know that sounds crazy but it’s true. This went on for 9 years until I got to finally try to have a baby-boy was I happy! I’m glad that I waited until I met Shaun, married Shaun, and had some married time with him before we brought this little girl into our lives-those 9 years were so worth it.

Shaun and Lucy-I love you more than I can ever express. Thank you for making my 2008 amazing.


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My First Christmas

Posted by Lucy on Tuesday Dec 30, 2008 Under Infancy

Wow, it’s been a busy 2 weeks! I had my first Christmas!

It started with my first plane ride the weekend before Christmas to go see Mimi, Papa, Uncle Ben, Aunt Sheri, Unckie Jake, Aunt Amy, my cousins Cole, Zach, and Luke, and many more!

Here’s some pictures of my first plane ride.



I don’t know what all the fuss is about-I slept through the entire thing!

After we landed in Burbank, Mimi took us over to my Uncle Ben and Aunt Sheri’s house. I had never met them before but had heard ALL about them. First my cousin Zach held me:


Then I took a picture with all 3 cousins, Zach, Luke, and Cole. I think Luke thinks I smell!  I don’t, I promise!


I opened a gift from Zach. He bought it for me right after I was born. He was very excited to meet me:


My Uncle Ben came home early from work to meet me.


Later that night I got to see Papa. He makes me smile.


The next day, we went and met my Mommy’s friend and I met my future boyfriend. Mommy and Aunt Lisa have known each other since they were 12!!!


Here’s my future boyfriend Ben showing me how to walk. He turns 1 today! Happy Birthday Ben!!!


Later that night Mimi and Papa had a party at their house. Everyone and their dog was there!!

I met Aunt Marci:


And Uncle Dick:



My Unckie Jake’s outfit was a homage to Clark Griswald-yes those are embroidered skiing men on his green cords:



Mimi held me. Did you notice the pretty dress she got me for Christmas? It has snowmen smocked onto it:


My Aunt Sheri held me and rocked me to sleep (that lady is good at getting me to sleep!):


Check out some of my loot! (Yes I slept through opening my presents-it was an hour past my bedtime!)


The next day, I got to see Unckie Jake’s new house. It’s really COOL. I decided to ham it up at his house:



We flew home and again I slept through the entire flight. Air travel is so relaxing ;0)

When we got home I tried out my new travel play gym. I liked it! It’s already gone places with me and will be perfect for my upcoming trip to Pennsylvania-Thanks Uncle Ben, Aunt Sheri, Cole, Zack, and Luke!:


On Christmas Eve, Mommy and Daddy dressed me in the Christmas Pajamas that Mimi gave me and we had a quiet night in. Daddy was really pretty sick and Mommy and I didn’t feel all that great either. Before I went to bed, Mommy read “Where the Wild Things Are” to Daddy and me. Daddy had never read it! Unckie Jake and Aunt Amy gave me the book and stuffed animal for Christmas:


We also hung my stocking (Mommy made it) and left cookies, almond milk, and celery for Santa and his reindeers. In case you didn’t know Santa is allergic to milk.



When I got up in the morning, we checked and Santa sure did like his goodies-so did his reindeer!


Did you know that Santa leaves you presents? Check it out!


He got me some nice PJs and a footmuff for my carseat to keep my tootsies warm and he left all sorts of fun things in my stocking. He somehow knows what all my favorite toys are!:


Mommy and Daddy got me a monkey that can go in my crib with me and they opened a 529-college here I come! Well in 2026…


On Christmas Day, I started bringing my legs perpendicular to my body and can grab things hanging above me with my toes! I can also consistently grab things above my head with no problem. I’ve also become a chatter box. And? I’ve figured out that if I’m bored or lonely, all I have to do is cry and Mommy and Daddy come running. They may have ME figured out though…

Christmas is fun! I hope yours was as nice as ours.

Oh yeah, Mommy chopped all her hair off the next day. I think she looks pretty.


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Posted by Chelsea on Thursday Dec 18, 2008 Under Infancy

5 Days Old


12 Weeks 3 Days Old

At 5 days old she took up 3 x 1 Mitred Squares. At 12 weeks 3 days old she takes up 4 x 2. If you look closely at the squares  you can see that the first picture was taken at a closer angle than the second picture.

And just for fun, more of Lucy in Knitwear by Mommy:


I made the blanket she is laying on, the 2 hats she is wearing and the sweater. The ridiculously cute pants in the first picture were made by my good friend Jocelyn.

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