Today was Lucy’s 6 month well baby check-up. She really is a little munchkin! Here are the stats:
Weight: 13 pounds 3 ounces – 10th Percentile
Height: 25 and 3/4 inches – 75th Percentile
Head Circumference: 17 inches – 75th Percentile
She was in the 75th Percentile at 4 months for both her height and her head but was in the 25th Percentile for weight. The doctor isn’t worried though and neither are we. She’s a happy, healthy little girl with big cheeks and little baby rolls on her arms and legs. The doctor said we would only worry if she continues to go down in percentiles and/or isn’t gaining any weight, which isn’t the case.
We’ve had some pretty big developments lately. I swear she’s just exploded in terms of what she can do. My friend Audrey posted a six month list on her blog and I’m going to steal it because it worked really well:
Gathered from various websites, these are the 6 month milestones that describe Ev Lucy ;):
– Begins to speak single (hard) consonants, like “dada” (sorry mom!) She’s making many more vowel sounds (and lots of them) but I’ve heard “P” sounds and “G” sounds
– Rolls over both ways (front to back and back to front side).
– The baby will begin to look for a toy dropped out of sight.
– Has no head lag when pulled to a sitting position.
– Begins to “tripod” (sits with one hand on the ground for support) and soon will begin to sit without support. She sat up with no support for about 30 seconds last night and then put her hand down and in the “tripod” method for about another 15 before toppling over.
– Continues to grasp and mouth objects, but now can transfer small objects from one hand to another.
– Is able to recognize each parent and may even begin to show some stranger anxiety. Lucy isn’t as quick to smile at people anymore but after a few minutes of very concentrated staring she’ll start to smile.
-Signs of separation anxiety. She’s started to cry when I’m not in her line of sight and she has to be in someone’s arms at daycare when I leave or she cries.
– Makes attempts to feed himself or herself. This is about the funniest thing I’ve seen! It just started a few days ago. She holds the spoon really tightly in her fist and tries to shove it in her mouth and chokes herself. Silly girl.
– Smiles, laughs, squeals and begins to imitate sounds. This is so fun. Yesterday on the way to daycare she was sitting in her car seat just cracking up. I have no clue what at but she thought it was hilarious.
– Can be content in a playpen crib/co-sleeper/floor/upright seats for a while playing with one or two toys. She’s always been this way but now it’s for longer and longer periods of time.
– Can bear weight on his or her legs when held in a standing position (no, it will not make him or her bowlegged). She’s been able to do this since December!
– Will bounce when held in a standing position. She did do something exciting/scary at the doctor’s office today though-she took a step! Like I said she’s been standing with support since December but has never tried to move her legs. I had her on the table standing up and looking into the mirror and she totally tried to walk towards the mirror! I’m not ready for that yet!!!
– Shows more intentionality during play. You should see her with books now. She wants to hold them and she wants to feel the pages and try to turn them.
– Experiments with the concept of cause and effect.
– Opens mouth for spoon.
– Makes wet razzing sounds. She just started this today.
– Turns in the direction of a voice.
-Knows her name.
This isn’t mentioned anywhere but we’ve been signing with her-using American Sign Language and she’s started to sign for milk and she totally understands the sign for bathtime. We can’t do it unless she’s getting in the bath in the next few minutes. She’s gets so excited when we sign for bath!
ETA: She’s started waving!!! I can’t believe I forgot that one. If Mommy or Daddy or a daycare teacher waves, she waves back….well she kond of flails her arm up and down but that’s definitely what she’s doing. She’s also given both me and Shaun high fives!
She has also gotten over her disgust with green beans. She’s eats them like a champ now! Today we tried avocado and she liked it so we’ll be mixing avocado into things now. I think the next up is sweet potatoes.
Here’s some silly pictures of our sweet girl:
And a fan favorite: